Manage your prescriptions

Here to help

We want to help you get your medication easily and exactly the way you expect. That means helping you find medication costs and pharmacies that work best for you. With pharmacy benefits from CarelonRx, you can track and manage your prescriptions — all in one convenient place.

Refill a prescription

Need to refill or renew a prescription? It’s easier with CarelonRx. To refill a prescription, log in and use the Manage Prescriptions tool. You can also view your order status, switch to a 90-day supply of your medicine, and turn on automatic refills. We’ll help you understand your options so you can make informed choices for you and your family.

Order a refill

Find a pharmacy

Filling your prescription at a pharmacy in your plan’s network can help you save money. To find a pharmacy near you, log in and use the Find a Pharmacy search tool. If you’re looking for a retail pharmacy before your coverage starts, visit our Drug lists page, and select your plan’s network list.

Find a pharmacy

Price a medication

Do you need to find out how much your medication costs? Log in and use our Price a Medication tool to see if your medication is covered under your plan, how much it costs, and the price of generic options. You can also compare prices between different pharmacies to find the best value.

Price a medication

Request delivery

Have your medications delivered to you with CarelonRx Pharmacy. You can get 90-day supplies with no delivery charges, and you also may save money. To set up medication delivery, log in and use the Manage Prescriptions tool.

Get started with CarelonRx Pharmacy


You can call us at the Pharmacy Services number on the back of your member ID card to speak with a CarelonRx representative, 24/7, or visit the Contact Us page for more information.

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