Contact us

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your medical and pharmacy benefits are covered through Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, or Anthem Blue Cross, please call the number on the back of your member ID card or visit your health plan’s website for help.


For help, call the pharmacy services number on the back of your member ID card. You can also call 833-419-0530 or email

For more information, visit manage your prescriptions where you can log in to refill or manage your prescription, or sign up for home delivery.


For information about prior authorization, prescription exceptions, and utilization management, call 833-293-0659 or fax 844-521-6940.

For information about home delivery, call 833-396-0309 or fax 833-389-4172.

For information about specialty pharmacy, call 833-262-1726 or fax 833-263-2871.


Brokers and plan providers interested in learning more about CarelonRx are invited to connect with us to be contacted by a member of the CarelonRx team. You may also wish to subscribe to our news.

 For media inquiries, email

General business inquiries can be sent to:

450 Headquarters Plaza, 7th Floor East Tower
Morristown, NJ 07960

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